Tulsa Discovery Center ~Tulsa, OK

Here are some of my favorites from our recent trip to the Tulsa Children’s Museum.

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We brought a friend with us so she will pop up in some of the pics also.


They change out exhibits pretty often so it is not the same things over and over.

I had not been in a while so the only thing not new to me was the tape slide and toddler/baby area.


My youngest boy spent most of the time building this wagon/sled and the rest of the time giving rides to kids.

I think if left alone, he would build quietly all day.

With three little sisters and a brother though that never happens…


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Dad helped him improve his design a bit so it would be easier to pull.

Which meant it went faster…


Have you checked out the Oklahoma Museum Network?

This is one of the museums on it along with several other really good ones.

Here are my posts on the others;

Jasmine Moran Children’s Museum

Leonardo’s Children Museum

Museum of the Great Plains

Science Museum Oklahoma(I don’t have a recent post up yet)

Girl’s Best Friend

I got tired of missing all the pretty light so yesterday, I put off dinner and headed outside.


My happy place.


I coaxed the 3yr old to sit next to the pretty grass.


This old girl has been a huge blessing with the girls.


She helps them calm down and puts up with so much from them.

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They like how she won’t let them stop petting her.


This girl…

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I am so glad I put off dinner and went outside.

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Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park ~Prairie Grove, AR

While at Devil’s Den State Park, I picked up some brochures on other state parks nearby.


I had wanted to go to the Prairie Grove Battlefield for a little while so I was happy it was pretty close to where we were staying.


The museum was small but had a lot of hands-on and interactive displays!


The battle of Prairie Grove was a large Civil War battle and would be a perfect stop if you are studying that era or just find that time interesting.


When you touched a cannon ball(what my oldest daughter is doing) it would show you a animation of how far it would shoot.


My oldest liked looking at all the different weapons.

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Little bit trying to lift a cannonball!

She did not succeed…

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The grounds were so pretty!


So many old buildings!

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There is a 1 mile walking tour but also a driving tour!

We did both and it was an easy way to learn some interesting history.

And really sad history.

Be prepared that it does talk about the ground being soaked in blood and other facts like that.

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The first part of the walk was my favorite.

Lots of beautiful historic buildings to see and give the kids a glimpse of what it was like back then.

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It looks so peaceful.

Such a contrast to what it must have looked like during the battle.

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I can’t help but think of the families who lost everything just because their house ended up being in the middle of a battle.

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They find the Osage Orange’s so interesting.

I can’t blame them so do I!

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I really like to visit these kinds of places when they have reenactments going or other historical events.

If you are planning a trip just to see it, go to their website first and see if they have anything coming up.

It really helps history come to life!