Days 21-28 ~30day Project Nature

Day 21

Taken while at the zoo with my boys.

Day 22

We were getting ready to go on a walk when I saw this little guy in the parking lot.

I could not just leave him!

Day 23

These trees smell amazing!

I need ten of them…

Day 24

Asking my son to hold a flower still might have pushed his physical limits to the max.

Day 25

I thought since I was hiking I would get a nice shot of something new but I forgot how fast my baby hikes!

I was having trouble just keeping up, let alone trying to take pictures.

Day 26

Procrastination is my middle name…

I took this shot in our backyard with barely any light left.

Day 27

Day 28

Brought my camera on a walk, so now you get a picture of a tree we do not have in our yard.

I bet you guys are really tired of all the close up plant shots!

Only two more to go!