Tag Archives: nature photography

Days 21-28 ~30day Project Nature

Day 21

Taken while at the zoo with my boys.

Day 22

We were getting ready to go on a walk when I saw this little guy in the parking lot.

I could not just leave him!

Day 23

These trees smell amazing!

I need ten of them…

Day 24

Asking my son to hold a flower still might have pushed his physical limits to the max.

Day 25

I thought since I was hiking I would get a nice shot of something new but I forgot how fast my baby hikes!

I was having trouble just keeping up, let alone trying to take pictures.

Day 26

Procrastination is my middle name…

I took this shot in our backyard with barely any light left.

Day 27

Day 28

Brought my camera on a walk, so now you get a picture of a tree we do not have in our yard.

I bet you guys are really tired of all the close up plant shots!

Only two more to go!

Addicted to lighting?

We had a big storm roll through NE Oklahoma last night.

I love storms, they make me smile. I am one of those people that loves getting caught in the rain.

We were actually at Walmart when the storm started and the Tornado Sirens started going off. We left anyway (after carefully checking the sky). It was pouring, the siren was going off and I was sad I could not just stand there in the rain.

We made it home safe and sound.

As I was watching the clouds swirling around (they were definitly swirling, probably not good) above me, I realized I am a photographer why not take pictures?

I got my camera and tripod (it was dark) and started snapping. Unfortunately the sky had gotten really dark by this time and I did not get the cloud shots I wanted.

I asked my husband, “how do you think people take lighting pictures” and he said something about slow shutter speeds. So as soon as the rain stopped traveling sideways I set up my tripod in the open doorway and started snapping.

It worked!

And now I will be looking to the sky’s hoping for storms (sorry to all the people that hate storms).

MayLightingStormThe first time the lighting raced across the sky right in front of my camera I squealed(yes squealed) and started saying, oh please, oh please.

Since I was taking pictures at very slow shutter speeds (13sec for the photography buffs) I did not know if it worked for what seemed like forever!

Nick came running out thinking something was wrongs, oops.

MayLightingStorm2This image makes me want to take up storm chasing

MayLightingStorm3It would be fun baby, the kids would enjoy it.

Nick gave me a look.

Oh well.

I was also thinking, “I really wish I was standing in an open field right now”. In the light of day, I am thinking this would probably not be the best idea. I still want to do it though.