Tag Archives: tiny houses

Why I do not think my kitchen is small.

A couple years ago if you had asked me about my kitchen I would have said it was very small.

Tiny even.

I was trying to find some way to expand it.

Any way really.

Maybe I could move the washer and dryer out to the garage and then expand it that way, knock a wall out here, bump a wall out there.

Anything to get more space that I so desperately needed (I thought).

Then last year I stumbled upon this blog post.

In it Katie talks about their 480 sq ft apartment in Germany and her renovated 36 sq ft kitchen.

36 sq ft.


She is big on simplifying and gave me a little push to start looking around at what I really needed.

I then stumbled upon the Tiny House movement.

Never heard of it?

Check out tinyhouseblog.com

If you want to see my favorites you can check them out on my Pinterest board.

Some of these houses are only around 100 sq ft!

My 900+ sq ft house started feeling really big.

Huge even.

Up until last year I thought I needed a bigger house.

I dreamed of a bigger house.

Now I see a bigger house and think, “wait, who is going to clean it?”

I do not like to clean at all.

Now I ask myself, “how much space do I really need?” and “do I really need that new gadget for the kitchen when something I already have does the job?”

30 Day project, Day 8

Tiny houses are not for everyone.

But they have made me appreciate what I have a lot more.

So instead of knocking down a wall in a desperate search for more space, I think I will just stick to painting.

Instead of looking for room for that new gadget, I will just use what I have.

My kitchen is big enough to do everything I want to do and more.

How much space do you really use?