Being in an rv during storms is all at once beautiful(I love the sound on the roof) and terrifying. A big storm rolled through during our stay at the Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Texas.
We drove into Amarillo on our second day in Texas to check out the Don Harrington Discovery Center.
It was another ATSC Passport museum so we got in for free again!
It was a great museum but my pictures are a bit deceptive.
It was VERY crowded.
There were several school groups there and it was not a huge place so it was SUPER LOUD!
I went in with our four oldest and Nick stayed out with the dog and our youngest who needed a nap.
Anyone else feel like they need to go be in the middle of nowhere around no people after visiting a children’s museum?
Afterwards I dropped Nick and the girls off at the camper and took the boys to the Palo Duro Canyon to hike and take pics.
But because it had rained the night before, they closed the trails!
Our campsite was a good 30mins away so I felt obligated to still go even though I did still have to pay the entrance fee.
At this point it was getting laughably ridiculous.1st they are all booked up, now we cannot even go for a hike there!
We still went into the museum and stopped at the lookouts at least.
Our last trip to the canyon went a lot better though for sure.
When we got back to the wildlife refuge we decided to check out some of the trails.
It was a pretty walk.
I had to keep reminding myself that I really did love the Palo Duro Canyon and that this time it was just a flop.
Have you ever had a really bad time at a great place?