Tag Archives: self portrait

Self Portrait ~Day 10

I thought for one second that maybe I should fix my red cheeks.

Then I remembered how boring perfection is.

I love imperfection.

It makes you beautiful in your unique way.

I will sometimes touch up a blemish if it bothering me.

I am usually too lazy to use makeup to fix it.

But I love the textures in peoples skin.

I really do not like softening it.

Be you.

You are pretty great.

How I got the shot.

I thought it would be fun to share a similar shot I took during my 365 project in 2010.

Has it really been two years since I took a daily picture of myself?!!

Self Portrait ~Day 4

Shot with my D300s, 50mm, F/2, Shutter 1/1600, ISO 320.

I said that I was hoping this newest photo project would help me to explore new areas of my yard and this is a spot I do not use often.

This is what I saw when I came out my door and decided it would work.

I decided to put the sun behind me as it was 4:18pm and still a little bright to be on my face.

I loved that after I sat under that tree I realized what an amazing place it was to just listen and breathe.

Birds were singing, the sun was shinning, I was content to sit and forget about the camera.

Have you set a goal recently to push yourself to grow?

It might be inconvenient but the effort is always worth it for me in the end.