Tag Archives: self portrait

365 Days Black and White

In the previous post I showed my favorite images from my 365 project that included my boys.

In this one I am sharing my favorite black and white images.

One of my top reasons for converting a picture to black and white is to unclutter it.

It makes you focus not on the color but the texture, a facial expression, or a setting.

Because I have red hair that tends to be the first thing you notice in a picture of me. If I do not want you to notice the color of my hair but the whole picture I tend to convert it to black and white.

There are many other reasons, sometimes it is just in a black and white mood.

I wanted to be sure and share the things that I have learned or taken from this project.

One of the most unexpected things I came away with was being more comfortable in my own skin!

Maybe that is not a surprise to the rest of you that taking a picture of yourself EVERYDAY for a year would increase your confidence but it shocked me.

Trying to take a beautiful image of myself everyday, helped with seeing myself as beautiful.

The parts of me that I did not see as my best features became the thing that set me apart.

The models with the most “interesting” faces make the best subjects.

So maybe that part of you that you wish you could change the most, is the thing that makes you beautiful just how you are.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb” Psalms 139:13 NIV

Thanks for looking!

Next post will be my favorite sepia images from my 365.

365 Days My boys!

I have 3 days left on my 365 day Self portrait project.

365 days of self portraits might sound a little conceited. Some people even call it their year of narcissism. But to me, it was an awesome experience that I do not regret at all!

One of the main reasons for starting up this project was the “mommy+photographer=no pictures with my boys” syndrome.

I got fed up with having only a handful of good pictures of the boys and I!

And not very many pictures of just me!

I can’t really blame it on anyone but myself. My camera feels like an extension of me and I have a hard time handing it over to someone else…

Even my husband.

Sorry Baby!

I feel a little like the pelicans on Finding Nemo fighting over fish sometimes…


We can deal with my inablility to let go later.

Taking a picture of yourself everyday for a year so you have more pictures with your kids might seem a little extreme but it worked!

You are bound to catch them in a good mood eventually!

Here are some of my favorites.

Every time I look at these I start to cry.

This is what photography is all about.

Capturing those beautiful, silly, loving moments and letting you hold them close to you for a lifetime.

Don’t let personal insecurities or anything else stop you from giving the gift of memories to your children.

I still love looking at pictures of me when I was little with my parents.

It gives you safe feeling. You know you were a loved child and that they were there.

I did not intend to get all philosophical on you but this is something I am passionate about.

I do not care if you just do the one handed picture while all of you squeeze together! Just make sure you have pictures with your kids!

More of my 365 project to come.

Thank you.

Almost done!!!

I just finished day 355 of my 365 project yesterday.

Ten days left…

I thought this day would never come.

My husband is probably really happy I will not be whinning about having to take another self portrait.

Now I can start whinning about other things!

Okay, I have continued whinning about other things anyway during my 365. But now there will be one less thing!

What new thing should I whine about?

My 355 image!

You can tell I am little bit done with the whole self portrait thing…