Tag Archives: science

Creation Study ~Day 3 Dry Land& Plants

materialsFor Day 3 I decided to study the earth’s core first and then plants.

We used the Big Book of Earth and Sky again for this study.

As well as “The Explosive World of Volcanoes” and “Voyage to the Volcano”.

The Magic School Bus also has an episode about volcanoes called “Blows it’s top”.


I had seen several people on Pinterest that made the different layers of earth using playdough or something like it.

Links here and here.

I decided to use model magic for our layers of the earth.

It was soft and easy for the boys to shape.

core hotHe burned his hand holding the core…

mantel making doneThey did a great job!

insideWe ended up only doing one layer for the core and one for the mantel.

They knew there are more layers though.

It is just hard to do them all with a limited amount of modeling dough.

If you use this and let it dry make sure that your land is pushed down into the water.

When ours dried the green started to pull up from the blue.

journeyI thought Journey to the Center of the Earth was an appropriate literature choice for our study.

We watched National Geographic’s “Down to the Earth’s Core” as well.

It has some beautiful graphics but is FULL of evolution.

Since we are studying Creation Science right now also it was not a big deal for us but might be confusing for a child that has not covered that yet.

I would also recommend “How to Dig a Hole to the Other Side of the World” by Faith McNulty.

It is a lot of fun and really interesting way of learning about the different layers!

volcano explode eruptWe always “have” to make a baking soda eruption.

I like easy and familiar projects.

Here is an older post with a list of what you need to do this experiment.

history plants storm

Next up was plants.

I ended up going on vacation at the end of our Core study so we did not study plants for two weeks.

There is a good Magic School Bus episode about plants as well called “Gets Planted”.

experiments plants2If you put a stalk of celery in a cup of dye it will dye the veins and leaves.

I recommend a dark dye.

We tried lighter colors and could not tell.

Black seemed to work best.

We also put a bag on one of my plants so the boys could see the water coming off the plant.

list hunt seedsWe also did a simple scavenger hunt for the different parts of the plant.

We are mostly focusing on what was created each day and the verses that go with them.

Studying these subjects are hopefully helping it stick in there head a little better then just saying plants were created on Day 3.

I never knew how important the days of creation were until we started this study.

It is important to know that the sun was created right after plants.

Plants only had one day without the sun.

If these were not literal days but millions of years for each “day” then how did the plants survive?

I am teaching my kids apologetics with the days of creation!

I think no child is too young to learn Creation Science.

They hear about evolution from birth so they should hear the bible side from birth also!

Day 1 Light, Day & Night

Day 2 Atmosphere

Experiments with Air.

waterairI did my post of our Atmosphere study while on vacation and I forgot some things so I thought I would share them in a separate post.

I really liked these experiments because they helped show how air behaves.

waterairbothThis one was simple but really good.

You just take an empty bottle and push it under the water.

This helps kids see that their really is something in the bottle even though it looks empty, air!

coinrisingThis one shows how hot air rises.

You put a quarter on top of a bottle and put it in a sink filled with hot water.

The coin “magically” jumps when the hot air rises.

coinrising2It was a little hard to keep the quarter on top so we switched to a half dollar but it was too heavy.

Quarters seemed to work better.

crushedMy boy crushing some ice for our next experiment.


shakeYou put the ice in a plastic bottle, put on the cap, and shake it up.

smallerThen watch the sides of the bottle be pulled in by the cold air!

All of these worked great!

I got them all out of the book “The Usborne Book Of Science Activities Volume Two”.

Great book!

Creation Study ~Day 2 Atmosphere


wallchart2 “Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” ” Genesis 1:6


For our day 2 study we learned about the different layers of the earths atmosphere and what happens in each one.

The wall chart above is called “the big book of earth” it has some great illustrations for earths atmosphere as well as a simple explanation of what it is.

I also leaned heavily on this site. It explains things that go on in each layer.


For the Exosphere we read about it being on the very edge of earths atmosphere and that sometimes satellites orbit there.

Thermosphere- aurora borealis, we watched a couple of great videos showing it. Look for a time lapse video of it. The international space station orbits within the thermosphere so we looked into that also. NASA kids site has some information about who is in the space station right now!

Mesosphere- meteor showers

Stratosphere-lighting sprites, ozone layer, weather balloons



We also did many air experiments that we found in a book called “the Usborne book of science activities Volume two”. It has been such a great resource I decided to buy the other volumes!

I am sure you could find many air experiments online also.






The boys loved this experiment with matches. We did it over and over! The more matches the better! You can find out why the water fills the jar, here.





I recommend putting a couple drops of food coloring in the water. Don’t mix it. You can watch the water current as it moves into the jar.




I had the the boys draw a picture to sum up what we learned about each layer, then I would hang it up on our door.

I had grand plans of making each one a different shade of blue and really pretty. Then I realized I would have to go out and by paper in order to do that. I stuck with the cheap option and used what we had.

All of my oldest’s pictures include Lex Luther trying to destroy something in the picture…

In one he is trying to destroy the ozone layer!

Boys are awesome.

I am doing this post on the road so it is difficult to include links to all the sites I used. If you want to see more of my resources you can check out my creation study folder at Pinterest.

*view more air experiments we did in this post.


Day 1 Light, Day & Night

Day 3 Dry land & Plants