Tag Archives: science

Creation Study ~Day 1 Light, Day & Night


“Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good;

and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.

So the evening and the morning were the first day.”

Genesis 1:3-5


For our science for the next 6 weeks(maybe 7) we are studying Scientific Creationism and a science subject to go with each day of creation.

Week 1 was the study of Day 1 so we studied light, Day and Night.

We are reading the corresponding lesson from the “Answers for Kids curriculum” as well as “Case for a Creator for Kids“.

This is our second time reading the Case for a Creator, my boys are getting so much out of it this time around!

creation playdough

I let the boys play with playdough sometimes while I read.

There is a nice Creation Study Unit on this site that I have been using as a reference also.

lightbook lightbookinside

The Max Axiom book “The illuminating world of Light” is a great way to introduce the subject.

The Magic Schoolbus show has a great episode on light called “Makes a rainbow”.

bendinglight bendinglight2 bent

We got the “Bending Pencil” experiment from here.

testingmag lightred redlight

Experimenting with how things effect light.


Bending light experiment.

reflect reflect2

Reflecting light.

Sciencekids has a really good section on light with experiments also.

We did there experiment on absorbing heat and the boys loved it!

I just forgot to take any pictures…

My oldest read Children’s biographies on Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein.

I would like to say it was intentional on my part that these went along with our lesson but it was complete serendipity.

I love when that happens.

My son and I like the Graphic Novel Biographies best.

They are colorful and look like comic books!

We are covering one Day of creation for a week.

Answersingenesis.org has a great kids section so be sure to check them out for more info on Creation!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Day 2 Atmosphere

Day 3 Dry Land & Plants

How to encourage little Scientist.

My boys LOVE science experiments.

It is their favorite part of any school day.

They could do it all day!

I decided I needed to make a kid friendly science kit where they could mix crazy things up to their hearts content.

It would be their supplies just like they had their toys.

Here are some basics that I got to start them out.

Distilled White Vinegar

Baking Soda

Baking Oil

Antacid Tablets

Food Coloring (I decided to be brave)

Clear Plastic cups (to mix things in, clear so they can see the whole reaction)

Stir Sticks (I just used coffee sticks, they work great)

Disposable baking tray (to catch the overflow)

Sandwich bags (I thought these would be good for mixing powders but the boys have not used them so I am not sure you need these)

I put all of these things in nice plastic (washable) baskets in a washable (indestructible) space.

I like to throw in some fun stuff every once in a while.

Instant Snow


Growing Pills (those little sponges that grow in water)

I bought them some little vials of instant snow and they LOVED them so their Grandma bought them more for Christmas!

Smashing the Antacids with Thor’s hammer…

Food coloring!!!


They loved thinking up things on their own with no directions!

This one turned out really well!

My boys no heat Lava Lamp:

Fill a clear glass 3/4 full of oil 1/4 with vinegar.

Add Antacid Tablets and Food coloring.

Then lastly add baking soda and watch your ingredients react!

Although my boys do love making up their own special recipes we have done a lot of experiments together with directions so they have a ideal of what to do.

The best thing I did was by little bottles of oil and vinegar!

They use a whole bottle in one day!

I refill with bigger bottles.

They really need a smaller box or a new small container for the baking soda because they tend to use a lot of it and get the box all wet.

I think I will be putting their baking soda in a glass or plastic container soon.

The other night they spent over an hour in their “lab” (the laundry room, I had it in the kitchen before that) creating.

They really thrive with all of the control they have over their experiments!

If you have a curious little one get them supplies, put them in a easily cleaned up space, and let them go!