Tag Archives: OKC

Oklahoma History Center ~OKC

My boys and I headed to the Oklahoma History Center earlier this week while my husband was out of town.

I figured I should just keep them going the whole time he was gone to get all that little boy energy out.

It worked in draining energy.

On me…

The building is very impressive.

I liked that they had touchable areas for kids!

They had a little mock set of “OKLAHOMA”! My boys loved it!

They got dressed up, went up there and sang the song.

There is a tv they can see themselves on while singing also.

Another touchable exhibit.

Being a part of the land run.

They really like touch screens!

My babies are off to war…

Little photographer.

I made sure I got myself in a shot.

My youngest is really into crazy posing right now.

We really liked the oil derricks that you could walk right up to.

They are so big!

We had a great time!

This was not our only stop though, we went to the OKC Zoo next!

It was a LONG day!

I will share pics of that later.

Have you ever been to the History Center in OKC?

I did not even know it was there until recently!

Spending the day in OKC with family!

My Mom, sister, and nephew all came down for a visit last week!

We decided keeping three boys as busy as possible was the safest option.

We made it through the whole week without any serious injuries so I would say our plan worked!

First stop was the Science Museum Oklahoma in OKC.

I went a few years back with the boys but they were a little young for most of the exhibits.

They were at a perfect age this time around!

All three boys were running from one exhibit to the next!

Glad we had three adults to keep track of them!

No matter what age my boys have always loved the waterworks areas in museums.

The boys loved the Science Live program they had!

I was a little sceptical at first but the girl doing it was wonderful!

She was great at interacting with the kids and being VERY animated.

I really wish this was how all kids learned science.

They were learning without even realizing it.

Since we were in OKC we stopped by the Sam Noble Natural History Museum.

They were having an event that day so admission was free!

Right now they have giant bugs on display.

Boys hate bugs of course…

My Mom decided to try for a picture of all three boys together, my son thought he should help his cousin pose.

He is nice like that.

My nephew getting eaten.

We did not stay in the upstairs very long.

The boys decided they were mighty hunters and should kill the bear they had on exhibit.

We were afraid their running around killing animals might offend someone.

If you are going to put a big stuffed bear on exhibit though you would have to expect little boys to think they should kill it, right?


We had a great time in OKC!

I am pretty sure the adults were the only ones to get tired though.

The part of the plan where I exhaust three little boys backfired a bit.