Tag Archives: gator

My days

My days have been filled with looking at my oldest mohawk, it always makes me smile.

He will only let me spike it in private though.

Hoping for more snow.

This has long since melted.

Watching Captain America battle dinosaurs.

Don’t worry the dino got even.

Listening to the sounds of a gator.

They would be in it all day if I let them.

Hearing the sounds of building going on in our garage.

My husband is in the midst of building himself a band saw.

Because the garage is attacted to the house we have a constant layer of dust on the floors from all the wood cutting.

I was going to do individual posts on all of these but kept putting it off.

So you get it all at once!

I am lazy like that…

Gator’s and funny faces

We gave the boys their Christmas present early.

Have I mentioned I am not a patient person?

I had a practical sounding reason for not waiting this time though! I thought they might have more fun with it now.

What if it snowed?

It only snows a couple times a year in Oklahoma but that is not relivent.

gatorridingThis thing has been awesome! The boys will ride it for hours!

And I get to take pictures of both of them right next to each other.

Or so I thought.

gatorfunnyfaceI do not know where he got the Elvis lip from!

Really! I did not teach him that.

funnygator2This made me laugh so hard!

That’s what I get for wanting a “normal” picture.