Tag Archives: games

Not so Trivial Pursuit

As a homeschool mom I am always looking for an easier way to teach my boys.

If they have no clue they are learning, even better!

Not so Trivial Pursuit ~Danielle Huddleston PhotographyI picked up three sets of Professor Noggin’s Card Games at Hobby Lobby and knew right away I wanted to use them with our Trivial Pursuit Game.

When I went to get the game I realized we have three versions of Trivial Pursuit.


I have no clue…

Not so Trivial Pursuit ~Danielle Huddleston PhotographyI decided to go ahead and just use the three colors our cards were to make things easier.

So to win you needed to get two orange(science), two pink(Human Body), and two blue(Presidents).

cardsI asked them the easy questions and they asked me the hard questions.

They smoked me…


reading3I found out right away that my knowledge of US Presidents is lacking.

reading2My boys did amazing in the the science and human body catagories!

I kept saying, “Wow! Who is their teacher? She is amazing!” to my husband.

playIt went so well that I am going to pick up a few more card sets to add to our game.

readingMy youngest kept bouncing up and down as we played.

He does this for any game(even cards) but I am going to take it as a sign he liked it.

happyboyGuess who won?

winnerHe got inside with all of his pieces first.

To win you get all the pieces, get in the middle, and then answer a question from any category.

Do you have a trivial pursuit game lying around(or three)?

This is a great way to have fun while learning!

Dig & Play Egyptian Tomb

egyptiantombgameI bought this game at a museum last summer and we finally got to use it a couple of days ago!

insidegameYou get to “dig” for the buried treasure and game pieces first.

egyptgameWe have been studying Archaeology so I kept talking about being gentle and carefully uncovering the artifacts.



insideDo you know how they finally got it open?

They threw it on the ground.

Future Archaeologist?

inside2The game pieces were inside this guy.

gamepiecesThey did break one of the smaller artifacts.

They were very surprised that happened.

Since I had just been told they were throwing the block on the ground to get the stuff out, my shock level was pretty moderate…

gameThe game is pretty simple, you are trying to be the first one to the tomb.

Some of the spaces have information about Ancient Egypt so the kids are learning without realizing it.

I really like this type of game, hopefully I can find some more like it!