Tag Archives: games

Our Days…

I found Bird Bingo through Soule Mama’s blog.

It is an absolutely beautiful game!

As a bonus it teaches the names of all the birds!

Soccer started back up this week.

Bring on the scramble twice a week to find cleats, soccer socks, balls, and shorts…

I am attempting to start some plants for a garden this year.

That way when I kill them again it would have cost less.

I lost track of my oldest yesterday evening and found him in the school room reading.

Always a good thing.

My little man on his new bike.

I spend a lot of time on the computer and did not include that…

So I guess you only got to see the highlights of our days!

School ~Week 4

We usually work on a subject for a month so we were finishing everything up this week.

This is to show what a lung looks like as you inhale and exhale.

You push on the bottom and the “lung” deflates.

Then we did an experiment to see if we had different lung capacities.

Both of these came from the Magic School bus Kit.

You fill a 2 liter bottle(pretend that is what I used) with water.

Put the cap back on it and put it in a bowl full of water.

Take the cap back off and put the hose inside the bottle.

Then blow into the other end of the hose.

Your air displaces the water in the bottle.

The boys could have done this all day!

I was a really nice mother and let them play with it for a long time since it was the last project of the day.

The sacrifices I make…

I of course had to get on the computer while they played.

I also decided the boys needed a fun writing project.

I gave them stickers, two little books I made, and told them to tell a story with the stickers.

After they had put the stickers they wanted in the book they had to write a story for them.

I was going to have my four year old only write the front cover and then just tell me what to write but he said it was his book so he should write in it.

Okay, then…

The teacher in me loved that he wanted to do it all himself, the mom, not so much.

It took a LONG time!

My five year old never asked me how to spell a single word.

I love those misspelled words pushed all together.

They both did a great job!

And learned that writing is a lot of fun!

I bought this game at Mardel’s when I was looking for school books.

It is fantastic!!!

We had fun just putting all the body parts on.

We called all of them by their names so it was a great learning experience!

We are officially done with the human body and moving on to Explorers next month!

Getting ready for school

I am working to get us a little bit more organized before school starts.

These totes hold all our extra school stuff that we are not using at the moment but will soon.

It took me a lot of trial and error to figure out the binder clip to hold my tag!

I thought I was a genius after I figured it out.

I also thought my husband could have been a little more excited about my new labels…

Why would he not want to spend 10mins. talking about labels?

I probably buy too many kits and games.

I cannot say no to them!!!

I made my own bingo number game!!!

Stickers on one side and tally marks on the other side.

I am starting to get a little excited about the upcoming school year!

I just hope that excitement can last until next summer…