Tag Archives: drive

Talimena Scenic Drive

For my birthday this year we went down to the Ouachita National Forest to hike!

We have done this for the past three years and I have enjoyed it everytime!

For those of you that are dying of curriostity…

I am 27

I remembered!!!

I have trouble forgetting how old I am.

I get weird looks from people when I say that.

mylittlemanWe stayed in a cabin in Lake Wister State Park

It was a pretty nice cabin and very reasonably priced.

It is about thirty miles north of Ouachita National Forest.

hawkThis hawk was begging to have his picture taken.

You could tell by the fact he was flying away from me.

walkingstickWalking sticks everywhere! I have never seen so many.


silhouteI took a similar picture the first time we hiked here so I had to try for another one!

It was windy and cold.

My subjects were less then willing.

But I won, that is all that matters.

driveFound this little side road while we were driving on the Talimena Scenic Byway! I love it!

If you live in the Eastern part of Oklahoma you have to take a drive on the Talimena in the fall! Breathtaking!


talimenascenicSee? You know you want to be here.

talimenaI wanted to move here.

My husband very sweetly reminded me that it does not look like this all year round.

I think it does.