Tag Archives: diy

My week so far…

Lot’s of little things.

We had a little visitor at our house.

He is a prairie Kingsnake, so not poisonous.

I wish I had known that at the time…

The boys and I set out to explore the unknown (also known as our backyard).

I love honeysuckle.

My vases are now out, awaiting flowers from little men.

My first attempt at a Sailor’s knot bracelet.

I found the how to, here.

Second try went a lot better!

“I saw, I wanted, I am too cheap, I made it.”

Clay Ornaments!

A picture I found on Pinterest is what started it all.

I saw it a couple months ago and knew that I wanted to try to make something similar.

I knew I would never be able to make the same one because I just do not have the patience for perfection.

It is a good thing I like the rustic, half done look.

I used the air dry clay because I already had it on hand.

You can use the oven bake kind if you want.

We used Cookie cutters for the shapes and straws for the holes!

I really loved the straw idea.

I found it, here.

We used stamps I had laying around for these.

I got that idea from this site.

These were MY ornaments. I did not let the boys help.

I knew the moment I saw them on this site that I wanted them all for myself.

I let the boys have a say and help out with the others but not these.

It is good to be selfish sometimes.

At least for me.

These are pure boy.

My youngest had a starfish figure in his hand all day and so decided to use it for his ornament.

My oldest decided to use a pig for his…

I used jute/twine to hang them up.

I am really happy with how they turned out!

I am becoming addicted to homemade ornaments!

Anyone else having this happen to them?

I blame Pinterest.

It makes me think I can do things that I can not do…

Paper Airplane T-shirt

I saw a really cute airplane shirt on Zulily(a deals site), I am adding a link to it but you have to sign up to view their products.

I decided my boys needed and airplane shirt!

It was so cute (something hard to come by in boys clothing)!

Because I am cheap, I wanted to see if I could make it.

I have tried painting shirts before and while they were not complete fails, they were nothing to write home about.

This time, I really like how it turned out!

So here is what you need.

T-shirt (I bought mine in the boys section at walmart)



Fabric Paint

I did a search online until I found an paper airplane drawing that I liked. Then using it as inspiration I drew it using the ruler to make the straight lines.

The purpose in drawing it on paper first was twofold, I wanted to make sure I could draw one and I was going to use it to trace onto the shirt (that failed).

I ended up making a second shirt to find out if I could draw with pencil directly on the shirt. That worked pretty well.

Then I just went over the pencil with the paint.

My son asked if he could take off his Superman shirt to put on his airplane shirt.

Best compliment he could give me!

This would be a great shirt for a photography session by the way!

Nice and simple but with a little fun.