Tag Archives: dinosaurs

Wildlife and Museums ~South Eastern Oklahoma

Little River National Wildlife Refuge
To the left of the boys a deer was just standing there staring at us! This was the only established place to walk around that we saw there. It was a beautiful scenic drive though and my kids want to go back when it is warmer to see Alligators.
When we found out about the Museum of the Red River we knew we wanted to stop! It is under construction so very small right now, the drawings look amazing of what they are planning though and it was free. The biggest selling point for us was the state dinosaur!

They don’t have the exhibit done for him yet but they did display it’s head and I read the story behind it online.

My dinosaur lover was very excited to get to see “Acro” even if it was just the head!

Here is a video I made of us exploring the area.

Saint George, Dragons, and King Arthur


*This post contains Amazon Associate links

I really liked the story of Saint George and the Dragon!

Such an interesting story to add to our history study and a great way to get ready for the middle ages!

I liked that Hunt for the Devil’s Dragon (AIO Imagination Station Books)
and Saint George and the Dragon
where different versions of the same story.

I like the boys to see that history can be told many different ways and that stories change as they are retold.

We studied dragons with the idea that they might be storiesĀ  based on dinosaurs.

If you believe that God created all of creation at the same time and that it was not billions of years ago that dinosaurs existed then it stands to reason that people might have seen some before most were killed or died off.

And if I saw a dinosaur I would probably talk about it a lot and the story would be retold.

Of course I would want the monster I killed to the biggest and meanest, maybe it might grow into something that looks more like fantasy then reality.

I find discussing controversial history with my boys to be the best way to learn.

I always ask, “why do you think that?” when they jump at the easy, popular opinion.

They are quick to realize that they were just spitting out what they had heard and they have nothing to back it up.

Answers in Genesis has an interesting video on their site about what might have happened to the dinosaurs, here.


King Arthur was actually set in Britain before the middle ages were in full swing.

You can listen to what they would have really sounded like during his time, here.

I read about an article about all the fuss about who King Arthur really was and why do we even care.

Should we even learn about him, he probably never even existed, was there a point?

As a mom of boys I love what he stands for.

He is a king that makes little boys want to save the day, do what is right, and treat people fairly.

That seems like a good enough reason to me.

Also, I am a firm believer that stories come from somewhere.

If a story shows up over and over and will not die, maybe that story is based on something that really happened.

Why not debate an interesting story?

Sounds like a good opportunity to get kids interested in history and literature to me!