Tag Archives: banner

Pinwheel Banner

I finally found a use for all those pinwheels I had laying around (failed project) after seeing this pinwheel wreath online!

I could make a pinwheel banner!

I knew I was not the first one with the idea so I googled it.

After seeing how several people hung theirs, I decided on just stringing it with twine.

I saw the idea here, she used a book. PLEASE do not use a book!!! I will be eternally grateful.

I am an avid book lover and can’t stand to see all these old books being cut up!

Some crafts stores carry scrapbook paper that looks very similar.

If you want to see more on my boys room, check out my post here.

To make a pinwheel you just need to cut a piece of paper in a square and make four cuts from the corners towards the middle.

The first couple I made I did exact measurements to make sure my cuts were perfect.

After about six or so I just started folding it and cutting…

I am lazy.

For the banner I just need to keep the pinwheel closed so I put a scrapbook brad in the middle.

It works best if you use a pin to poke a hole in it first.

Here are two I made that spin.

The one on the left has a scapbooking eyelet, a bead, and a pin.

The one on the right is just a push pin.

I have found the kind with the eyelet, pin, and bead to spin easier.

The dowel to mount it on can be bought at a craft store.

I really like it!

I hope my boys do not think it is something new to destroy…