Tag Archives: 30days

Self Portrait ~Day 10

I thought for one second that maybe I should fix my red cheeks.

Then I remembered how boring perfection is.

I love imperfection.

It makes you beautiful in your unique way.

I will sometimes touch up a blemish if it bothering me.

I am usually too lazy to use makeup to fix it.

But I love the textures in peoples skin.

I really do not like softening it.

Be you.

You are pretty great.

How I got the shot.

I thought it would be fun to share a similar shot I took during my 365 project in 2010.

Has it really been two years since I took a daily picture of myself?!!

Self Portrait ~Day 9

I will admit it.

I did not like the photos I took on day 7 or 8.

So I am not sharing them.

Because I can do that.

I had been putting off taking them until the end of the day and that was a BIG mistake.

I decided to take them first thing this morning.

Much better.

These were taken after the boys spent some time in timeout for pulling and hitting each other to get in the picture.

Lest you guys think every morning is comprised of laughter and snuggles.

They are boys.

Still love them.

Self Portrait ~Days 5 & 6

Day 5

I shot this on my driveway with the sun behind me.

If you look at the picture below you can see that one part of the driveway is very bright.

I sat in the shaded part and let that nice bright part light my face.

Nick was working on the vehicles while I was taking this.

Day 6

I took all of these with my camera on a tripod with the interval timer going.

Then the boys decided they wanted to take them while the camera was still on the tripod…

This is when my youngest realized his brother had taken control.

My littlest turn.

If you make taking pictures fun for your kids they will be more willing to cooperate.