Tag Archives: 30days

Days 4-6 30 days

Day 4

My oldest was too embarrassed to dance with me.

I could not believe it.

We usually put on some loud music and dance around the room (I cannot dance, it is not pretty).

When I finally talked him into it he enjoyed it but I knew I needed to capture it before he decided he was too old to act silly with mommy.

His little brother still likes to dance with me.

Day 5

Day 6

30 days

While watching Ted talks the other night with my husband, one of the speakers said, “you can do anything for 30 days”.

He was talking about trying something new for 30 days.

I have been missing the pictures from my 365 project, blog post’s here, flickr photos here.

I mostly miss the growth that happened in my photography while doing the project and the pictures with my boys.

After hearing the whole 30 days talk I decided to do a 30 day self portrait project.

Day 1

I was still making the decision on this day.

Day 2

I mixed my “going to miss this” and my self portrait.

My little guys will not always beg me to let them help me bake.

Knowing that it is not forever makes it even sweeter.

Day 3