Category Archives: Homeschooling

In Freedom’s Cause: The Real Story of Wallace and Bruce


In the midst of our study of the Middle Ages we listened to this amazing Audio Theater version of G.A. Henty’s book “In Freedom’s Cause.”

I thought I would let you know how we liked it.

My boys are 7&8

My oldest can be a bit sensitive.

This was an amazing story.

It makes this nations struggle for freedom come alive!

This is good and bad…

If you are not sure why that would be, look up the story of what happened to William Wallace and what disembowelling is.

They did not get really graphic but there was some yelling and pleading to God going on.

They did a wonderful job explaining about why William Wallace went through all that pain.

His death fueled a nation! But my oldest wanted to quit the second his death scene came on.

I made him wait(I was hoping it would end on a somewhat happy note) so he would not end it on such a bad feeling.

It takes a while to get to a happier spot but it does end without leaving you depressed.

He ended up really liking it although we will probably wait a while to listen again.

It is intense.


So what do I think?

The story telling was excellent!

I think this is a must for teenagers learning the history of that time!

It might leave your kids with a dim view of European leaders of that time, I think seeing the good and bad of every civilization is a good thing.

I learned so much though!

My boys did okay but I think an older child would enjoy it more.

I do think this type of story is just the thing to make history come alive for your kids though!

History was passionate, messy, scary, amazing, and interesting!

Don’t be afraid to let your kids see what really happened!

Dry text books should not be the only way your kids know history!

Middle Ages, the Plague, and Microbes.


We started out our study of the Middle Ages with an overview of what was going on all over the world during the early part of the Middle Ages.

There were actually different stages to the Middle Ages and each one was pretty different.

Not all of them were Dark either.



Please remember my boys are adventure loving and they like the exciting history best before you look at the timelines they created.


They latched on to even the slightest mention of a battle…


I did get them to leave Easter Island battle free though!



Yes, the Roman Empire was still around during the Middle Ages.

I pretty much got every book the library had on Knights and the Middle Ages and just let my boys go at them.



You Choose history books were again a favorite of my boys.

They will read them again and again.


I like to mix in a LOT of Historical Fiction with our studies.


We watched Disney’s Robin Hood to go with our study.

I was pretty excited about it!


They also did a couple of the lessons with Draw and Write your way through History.



I felt like I failed in the science department at first.

I was just getting books on the plague and talking about different discoveries that were going on.

Then at the end of our study we collected puddle water and studied it under the microscope.

They were amazed and proceeded to eat up all the books the library had on Microbes!

We also watched the Magic School Bus Episodes on Microbes.

Magic School Bus “In A Pickle” and “Inside Ralphie.”

I have to remind myself sometimes that my slow and steady approach to getting the boys interested in something does work!

It just looks lazy for a bit but always pays off!

For more ideas on the Middle Ages, check out my Pinterest board.

The Vikings


We continued our journey through our history timeline with Vikings!

We have studied Vikings before when we were learning about Explorers but that was a while ago so the boys did not really remember it.

I had them read some of the same books we used the last time.

Voyage with the Vikings (AIO Imagination Station Books)
is a great introduction to Leif Eriksson and it touches on them going to America.

Viking Ships At Sunrise (Magic Tree House, No. 15)
is a great easy read from the Magic Tree House Series, my boys always enjoy reading those.

Stories in Time: Library Book Grade 5 Discovery of the Americas (Discovery of the Americans)
does a great job giving an overview of the known history of the Americas and does touch on Vikings. It does however start with evolution, just a heads up.

“Eric the Red” is a great detail book with so many neat things that made up there everyday life (at least that we know about).

The Vinland Map is a controversial piece of history and you know how much I enjoy teaching controversial history.

There is an interesting documentary about one side of the debate on Netflix right now called “Secrets: A Viking Map?”

The boys and I really liked it, even though I thought the program jumped to a few conclusions…


We used something new when we started our study on Vikings, Draw and Write Through History: The Vikings, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.

The boys really enjoyed learning how to draw a Viking ship!




They also did some cursive copy work about Vikings from the same book.


We did two crafts from the “Crafts from the Past: The Vikings” book.

I can only find used copies online for sale, it must not still be in print.


This one is a Runestone.

I thought it would really fun to do since we have a Viking Runestone in Oklahoma that we have visited.


The book actually said to use Styrofoam and have them carve out the runes but I did not have any so we used clay.


I had them carve out runes with toothpicks.



I really like how they turned out!


My youngest boy smashed his a bit when he decided to do both sides…



They also made a Viking Sun Compass from the same book.




If you want to really get an idea about how much we do not know about the Vikings, look up Viking Sunstone.

It is pretty amazing how good they were at navigating.


If your child really likes Viking weapons (like my boys), Netflix also has “Secrets of the Viking Sword” on instant view right now.

We read stories about Asgard and Thor of course because, you know, I have two boys…

They have several options of tales about Asgard for free download on Amazon.