Category Archives: Camping

A Week at Washington Irving South ~Cleveland, OK

We stayed at a local army corps campground to try out living in the rv while doing normal life.

Our site ended up having zero flat spots which made the boys tent camping difficult but they were able to manage. We found a better site for next time.

We got set up Sunday afternoon and prepared to try out our experiment.

Nick would go to work and I would teach the kids, while staying in one spot in the rv.

That first evening was pretty perfect and I wondered if we should quit while we were ahead.

None of the sites are actually on the lake but you can catch a glimpse of it.

The boys got up early and finished most of their school before their sisters were even up yet. They still had their biggest subjects left though which would require a trip to the library to use the free wifi.

This rig is so big that five kids working and living in it did not seem like a stretch at all so far.

One of my favorite parts was the location of our morning walks, the woods.

There is only one short trail at this recreation area but it worked great for our morning walk.

Having the lake so close was definitely my favorite part. It has a nice sandy beach that we swam in every day.

I was so excited that the wifi reached the parking lot at our library!

The boys quickly did some subjects that needed internet while I worked with the girls. Some in the vehicle and some outside on a blanket.

There was a nice grassy area with trees at the library that was pretty perfect!

We did run into a problem of one child being too hyper to do their school work that disrupted others trying to finish but otherwise it went really well.

The boys liked to do some of their work outside.

Evenings were filled with incentives to do well at school. Like fishing!

I was just so happy to spend every evening out near the water.

One morning we did our morning walk at Keystone State Park!

One evening we broke out the kayaks!

I love the history of Washington Irving visiting the area.

Definitely lots of learning on the go went on.

I am one happy girl if I get to walk in the woods every day.

Also, lakes are so calming.

I thought it was a resounding success and can’t wait to do it again!

We actually went straight from here to another campground! I figured we were already packed so…

Do you think you would like to live in a rv while doing normal life?

Kansas City Zoo and a castle

If I did it again I would have gone into the Dutch Bakery and Bulk food store! Nick went in with one kid while I sat in the vehicle with the rest but I found out later it is a great place to stock up! The weather was pretty perfect except for a thunderstorm on our last night and we got to see Koalas so I feel like the trip was a success. Even though one of my children might have stopped sleeping and flip flopped all night instead which rocks the camper all night… I love the camper but also having a house that stays still is nice.

Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge ~Tishomingo, OK

Almost did this post the day after the last one but made myself wait, which was stupid…


Because then I left it too long and forgot what I wanted to write! The sites we have attempted like this before were VERY difficult to get a trailer to so I was not sure what to expect but this site was easy to get to!
We had dropped the trailer at Blue River and decided to drive to the other area I wanted to camp at without a trailer.

When we got there I realized it was perfect so Nick left some of the kids and I and went back to get the trailer.

The road and site were perfect!

We were right next to the river which the kids really enjoyed.

Perhaps a bit too much.

The Wildlife Refuge itself was a bit run down but was really interesting.

And the Craven Nature Trail was beautiful!