My husband and I took a little mini vacation all by ourselves for our six year anniversary! I was so excited for a little break and time alone with Nick.

I lasted one night, then I started missing them really bad. You know, the two little people always at my side. Everything we did seemed like things they would love to do! Camping, hiking, eating…okay I know, they were probably eating without me.

I did have fun though and it was really good to have some time alone with Nick! We do not have a babysitter, so time alone only happens when family comes to visit us or we visit them. I really need to change that!

We went camping down at Robbers Cave State Park for two nights, beautiful park. We love hiking down there!

vacationI want my backyard to look like this! Someone else needs to do all the work though.

vacationlight2Hello beautiful light! I want to insert a bride right in the middle of this! Brides like to wade into dingy water in their wedding dress, right?

vacationlightThis made me think I had entered an enchanted forest.

vacationmothWhen we finally got to put the tent up it was dark already. It took us 30min-1hr to figure out how to pay. I might have pouted a little bit about missing the sunset on the lake, I wanted to take pictures!

So when we(by we I mean Nick) finished putting up the tent, we(Nick again) noticed that the rain tarp was missing. Then I remembered seeing it at the house. I love how I remember things like that. You know, when it is not helpful.

At least it did not rain!

I actually enjoyed getting to fall asleep looking at the stars but the no privacy thing was a little different. You could see right into the tent since most of it was just the netting.

We got up and started hiking around six am Saturday, beautiful light! That is the only thing that can get me up that early on vacation. Well that, and the promise of a really hot day.

Later that night we, get this…went to a movie theater! You know that thing where you watch a movie with a group of people you don’t know and pay too much for cheap food! I did not know these were still in existence!

I think the movie could have totally bombed and I still would have enjoyed it! It has been that long since I have been.

It was a great weekend and I was so happy to pick up my two little men! They on the other hand, did not want to go home…

5 thoughts on “All ALONE!”

  1. you have such a wonderful eye for that light dear sis, and a wonderful way with words.. I know what you mean though when Ryan and I went away i was thinking I wonder if Timothy would like it here.. LOL probably not since not even my husband wanted to walk around and look at the fun shops..He just wanted the icecream ;0 You make the water look so inviting I still have my dress if it was flowing i would let you take water pictures but not with the snakes sorry sis.

  2. Thanks sis! Ryan did not enjoy shopping for hours? Crazy! Nick loves to spend hours looking through stores, he had no problem doing that on our honeymoon. In fact, that is the last time he did it. There are no snakes in that awesome water! It’s Oklahoma, we have friendly snakes.

  3. these pictures and the others I’ve seen are amazing I’m considering a print of one for somewhere in my house. How much would you charge?

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