30 Day Project~ Day 7 “On a walk”

Today I thought I would take you on a walk with me.

day7My Day 7 pic.

These boys are usually making up a virtual world that they are playing in or my oldest is detailing his idea for an invention he wants to build.

boysOn this day he decided he wanted to build a death star when he grows up.

walkingtogetherDon’t worry he is only going to destroy planets he has made…

icebreakHe also insisted that he could blow up some stars because they are not important.

I reminded him the sun was a star and that he could be setting off a chain reaction that destroys galaxies.

iceHe decided to leave the star alone.

youngestHis brother kept insisting that he should not destroy things.

He was worried that he was going to be killed in the process.

flowersMy oldest told him he would never kill him because he is his brother.

jumpMy youngest logic?

Loki tried to kill Thor.

dirtThis was actually considered a valid point.

icebreaking2My oldest said he would still never do it.

brokenI will miss this crazy conversations on our walks.

One day my walks will be peaceful and quiet.

No stories of lego attacks, star wars, death stars, and inventions.

What a sad walk that will be.

Around our Homeschool room 2014

I thought it was time to shared some updated pics of our homeschool room.

I have shared pieces here and there but I thought this way you could see how we use the whole space.

homeschoolroomI still love the table my husband built for me!

We have chairs but the boys usually lose them due to tipping them.

They seem to do better standing anyway.

cabinetsMy craft area is to the right when you walk into the room.

totesI really load those cabinets (something else my husband made) and totes with supplies.

The totes hold things I do not need often like Math Manipulative’s for later lessons.

kitsInside the cabinets are science kits, art supplies, and craft supplies.

wirebasketI have way more craft supplies than I actually use but at least with so much on hand I can still do those crafts I think up at the last minute.

craftareaThe bookcase under the cabinets holds all of my craft stuff, educational games, and the boys art supplies.

scale boards game scrap boysarea basket fabric games prettyholders jars

biblessideThe window seat is where I spend most of the school hours.

I had always dreamed of having one so my husband built it for me as a gift!

I keep some old encyclopedias, my dictionary collection(yes, I collect old dictionaries), and text books we have picked up in the bookcase on the left.

oldbooksdictionaryIn the bookcase on the right is my husbands bible collection as well as a lot of our spiritual books.

craftThat is also where my husband put my little craft nook!


On the left when you walk into the room is my keyboard and some posters that go with what we are studying.


I stuck our Magnetic board for All About Spelling on the back of the door with picture hanging command strips.

For hanging the posters and sometimes artwork, I just used nails and picture hanging wire.

wireI just put two small nails in the wall and twisted the wire around it!

It has been almost two years and it is still holding up great!

aigposter poster clipsI got the clips from Joann’s.

doorsideThis bookcase holds our curriculum and books for the boys.

narniaI put the books I would like them to read down where they can reach them.

schoolbooksWe have used these magazine holders for a couple years now for our school books and I still really like them!

I like how they keep it contained and organized.

mathareaAll of our Math Manipulative’s that we are currently using stay in this little tub.

classicslazysusanI do not think that a room is necessary to teach your children but I do enjoy using this space.

I am so glad it has not become a storage closet again(AKA junk room!).