30 Day Project ~Day 2 “School”

lookHere is my pic I used for my 30 Day project of my kids.

My youngest doing his handwriting.

handwritingWe use Handwriting Without Tears.

The boys seem to like the workbooks.

They were both getting bored with the printing books so I bought the KickStart to Cursive workbook.

withouttearsThey flew through it in two weeks.

They would have finished it in one day but I made them do other school work.

I am mean like that.

schoolI did not have the next cursive workbook for them both and needed them to slow down!

happy laughThey have really enjoyed it so I am going to continue to the 3rd grade cursive book.

They were pretty much done with their 2nd grade print workbooks anyway and get plenty of practice printing with their copywork and spelling.

writing2It is nice to see them both enjoy writing again.

Cursive is such a fun way to write!

30 Day Project ~Day 1 “Snow”

I am doing a 30 day project with a friend.

One picture a day of our kids.

windowwatchAlthough I do take pictures of my boys a lot, I want to be intentional about the shots I am getting.

I chose the above shot as my pic for the day but I think I like the one below better.

teddyHe was so excited to see snow outside his window.

snowflakesBig beautiful flakes.

trees wonderland boysI kicked my boys out of the house.

shake throw hill sled beautifulI will admit I had been pouting a bit about the end of winter coming and the likelihood we would not see anymore snow.

We might get more tomorrow also!!!

I am going to embrace this winter weather while we get it!

Those 100 degree temps will be here before we know it.