Things they remember…

In January 2012, I wanted to read some of a children’s version of the Aenied to my boys.

Since my boys were 4 and 5yrs old and the version I had did not have pictures, I was worried about them retaining any of it.

castleMy solution was a play castle for troy and lego’s for the Trojan’s and Greek’s.

I had them act out the story while I read it.

trojanOne of the Trojan’s looking out of the city.

greeksThe Greek’s sneaking back to the city on boats.

trojanhorseAfter a failed attempt at building a trojan horse I improvised with the boys dinosaur.

When it comes to teaching my boys I have no clue what they will retain.

Some things we work really hard on and they cannot even remember it to the end of the day.

This morning my now 7 year old asked if we could get the castle out and redo the attack.

He remembered that the soldiers snuck into the city inside a horse and that one of the people’s names were Simon(Sinon).

Apparently any story I want them to remember needs to be acted out with lego’s.

Good to know.

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