We are pretty socially isolated during the day normally but with everything going on it feels different.
With the extra stress I am trying to give myself extra grace in schooling so that I have more to give my kids.
I make sure we get our main subjects done every day but other than that I am taking advantage of the free online classes happening right now.
We have been taking a free online science class called Super Charged Science and it is excellent. She is an amazing teacher and I am letting it take the place of me teaching my youngest three science for right now.
Check out her facebook pagefor free classes.
I liked her robotics class so much I purchased the course.
Building catapultsLearning about lasers
After that we still do quiet time for my sanity sake. Ha
Then we watch the Cincinnati Zoo live keeper chat which has been a fun treat to our day and something to look forward to. It is on their Facebook page if you want to check it out.
Add to that daily walks(which we did anyway) and lots of outside play(when the rain allows)!
It was pouring when we would usually go for a walk so we checked out a local waterfall instead.
What are you doing to fill your days?