What happens when my husband works late…

My husband has been working late this week and I find myself with two little boys that have exhausted their non-destructive play idea’s earlier in the day. I either need to find something else for them to do or risk my house getting torn apart!

I saw this post in my new favorite blog and realized I have face paint make up. I looked everywhere though and could not find mine, so I decided I could use my brown eyeliner instead. It is just sitting in the drawer going bad anyway…good thing my boys like makeup!


I am trying out logo’sfacepaintcaden

What do you think?facepaintjustin3

This one?facepaintjustin

The white one? facepaintcaden2

Or the black one?facepainttwo

I am leaning toward the white one, I would still use the black one for pictures where white would not show.facepaintcadenhandsChoices, choices, choices…

7 thoughts on “What happens when my husband works late…”

    1. NOW you give input! Nobody said anything so I decided on the subtle one for now. Thank though!

  1. I like the subtle white one for general watermark so it doesn’t distract from the image. I like your red H logo for advertisement. The first one looks great with it perfect black back ground. Great Idea and good job capturing it by the way!

    1. That is what we decided also, I did not think about using the other for advertisement! Thanks!

  2. I actually like the black on white with the red H, it draws your attention to who took the picture. Of course for an album you wouldn’t want any lablel so if you did it then it would be better white on white.

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