Easter looked different this year 😉
No one dressed up at our house so it was pretty laid back.

They were pretty good!
Thankfully our church is online so we can still watch our usual service.

I loved that she was so engaging during the whole class and then ended it with a challenge, like build a bridge that can hold weight and use only paper to hold up a book.
I am enjoying how beautiful the light has been and little girls that love blowing bubbles right now.
Little Bit was pretending she was Milo chasing the bubbles.
After taking a lot of pictures of the twins I decided to prop my camera up on my reflector and try to get some pics with the three of us.
It was fun and I glad I did it!
We got out and drove a bit on Saturday.
I thought I would be super happy to be out and about even if it was just for a drive but I realized I couldn’t have cared less.
I am apparently more of a homebody than I realized.
What about you?
Do you feel the need to get out and about or are you happy to just stay home?
I have been mostly happy to be home. But I think that is because I have so many projects going on.
I bet! And you can’t see your neighbors. That has to be a bonus 😉