We picked the last big batch of radish pods from our garden. I actually pickled them which the kids liked but I am not sure about.
They are odd.
My youngest son has been on a game making streak!
They are all historical battle games so he has been researching like crazy.Basically he made his own history unit.
HaThe boards and game pieces are so impressive.
They are kind of like Risk and therefore hard for me to play…
By the end of the day my brain feels fried so I am not a great opponent.
I am enjoying stepping outside and checking on my garden more than taking the actual pictures but I am still at it.
Even when it is something I am not excited about like these blister beetles eating up what was left of my potatoes.
The pests have been intense in the garden right now.I am coating everything in Diatamacous Earth and it seems to be helping.
At the lake my oldest girl decided to see what was under the dock and found a surprise 😉
We watched him for a long time.
I use oksnakes.org to i.d. all these guys.Then while swimming at a local lake we had another snake to study!
Both were harmless water snakes as far as I could tell but it is always a bit unnerving to see a snake where you are swimming…
Would you keep swimming if you saw a snake?
My boys did but I was done…
very nice article