Watermelon Days of Summer


Boys seem to have a gene in them that requires that they destroy things and make a mess. If my boys do not get that need fulfilled in a constructive way they tend to destroy my house.

Anyone else have this problem?

I am a big advocate of letting boys be boys and men be men but I would really rather they not pull over bookshelves to fulfill that need!

Eating watermelon seemed like something they could do where we all come away happy. They make a mess eating(outside) and I get two little non-moving(for the most part) subjects!

Now I just need to find something they can destroy that does not leave me speechless, closing my eyes and hoping the mess/disaster goes away without my help.

Any suggestions?

watermelonboyshappyLook how innocent they look…not like they would dump out a potted plant on the floor just to play in the dirt.

They would never do that.

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