Tag Archives: zoo

At the Zoo








I feel like this summer has been a bit lacking in new experiences.

I had plans to go and see lots of things but we had swimming lessons for 4 weeks instead.

Maybe now that  they are finished we can go and do more.

We have gone to this zoo a lot but I do still feel like we get to see something new every once in a while.

A new baby Jaguar was there this time!

Anyone else have their summer plans mostly falling through?

A trip to the Tulsa Zoo

We went to the zoo yesterday!

I really enjoy that we have one close enough that seeing exotic animals is no big deal to my boys.

We also get to be laid back and learn a little bit each time instead of trying to absorb it all at once!

laughI thought this Forsythia bush was beautiful.

My oldest saw a wasp and did not want to get near it so I made him the photographer instead.

My youngest took my sunglasses and put them on.

He thought he was pretty funny.

birdWe saw new things in the desert area.

I had never seen the lizards.


wetlandsThe boys were not sure about passing this guy.

closewetlandsIt let me get pretty close before it flew off!


dinoThey have a new Dinosaur exhibit coming this summer.

It does cost extra though.

climbingThe boys were pretty excited so I think we will go through it at least once.

This guy was just to get people excited about it I think.




elephantThe boys were mesmerized by the video in the new Elephant discovery center.

They watched the whole thing and then my oldest said, “huh, now I know how to tell the difference between Asian and African Elephants.”

redbudpicWe had to stop and see the picture of them that is just before the door to go outside.

The people that made these posters asked if they could use this picture last year.

hikingI guess they were looking for a local place for the shot and this was taken at Redbud.

They were so excited that their picture is in the zoo!

pictureofhimThis is my youngest pretending he is the picture…

elephantsI quizzed my oldest when we got outside about which kind of elephants these were.

He got it right.

Guess they got something from the video inside.

macawOn the way outside a zoo keeper had this guy out to look at.

macaw2It was a great way to end a beautiful morning at the zoo!

What is your favorite animal at the zoo?

Going to miss this ~Birthday’s

facepaintOne day he will have outgrown having his face painted like a tiger.

tigersEven if he does make a really cute one.

zoo wagon otter climb elephantGoing to the zoo with his Mom will not even be a thought.

play swordfights pipesSpending the whole day with her to celebrate will only be a memory.

tigercakeHe will outgrow tiger cakes.

tigerfaceI want to cherish every birthday with my little boys because one day they will be men.