Tag Archives: Wildlife refuge

Easter *updated with pics of all my kids

We have never really done much for Easter.

This year I was thinking about doing several things but was prepared for none of them.

I forgot to get everyone new clothes so I was scrambling around Sunday morning to find nice things for everyone to wear.

I felt like it was a miracle we all got ready in time for church.

Then we stepped outside and saw all the windows down on the vehicle, in the rain…

I was ready to call it quits but my husband told the boys to get towels.

I was thinking “WE ARE STILL GOING?”


We made it but I realized I had nothing special for Easter meal.

I had thought about it but never actually bought it…

We decided to go on the trip to the Salt Plains Wildlife Refuge while driving home from church.

It is 2.5hrs one way to get there.

I was so happy though.

Definitely more my speed than fancy meals and themed activities.


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2.5hrs for snow?


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Someone just read the Chronicles of Narnia and was taken with the Dawn Treader.

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Instead of Easter eggs they searched for bones.

My kind of Easter!

 *I updated this post with pictures of our girls also after adoption.

I was not able to share them at the time since we had not finalized the adoption.

Deep fork wildlife refuge and breathing.

I find that I am at my best outside.

I can breath deep and things just don’t bother me as much(most of the time).

This was an impromptu visit to the refuge but much needed.

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If you follow me on instagram then you have already seen these images.

Even though this was a short easy hike, it was filled with amazing things.

Crayfish pieces were all over the board walk from someone’s meal.

We saw a snake swimming in the water.

Herons and turtles.

Yesterday was a great day for an adventure.

Simple, Beautiful Moments

I have been focusing more lately on savoring all of those beautiful little moments that make up life and last Sunday was filled with them.


We visited the Deep Fork Wildlife Refuge in Okmulgee after church.


The sun was shining, the kids ran, it was beautiful.







Nick and I held hands as we walked on the Railroad Trail to the River Overlook.

I just kept sighing.

That moment was perfect.


This man is amazing.


We came home and the air filled with the sounds of kids laughing as the day faded away.


Of course the day was filled with normal stuff also, correction, fighting, and so on, but I feel like that stuff just makes the beautiful moments stand out even more.



Kids playing on a rope swing while the sun sets behind them.

I did not want to go inside and make dinner.

I felt like I would miss something.

Life is filled with so many beautiful moments, I want to cherish as many as I can.