Tag Archives: vacation

Family Vacation

Last week I went with my family to the Grand Canyon!

Nick and I have both been before but this was my boys 1st time!

We hiked down into the canyon a ways.

My oldest took our pic for us while we were taking a break.

I handed off the camera many times and asked my husband to take shots with me in them.

It is important that I have proof I was there!

Plus I know it will be fun to look back on later.

Second hike in.

I held my youngest little man’s hand a lot.

It was really not as scary as I thought it would be though.

That did not stop me from dreaming all night about steep drop off’s…

He brings out my mature side…

Pueblo in Arizona.

What can I say, sometimes I have something better to look at than the camera.

Red Rocks in Arizona!

This was an unexpected surprise, so beautiful!

Painted Desert.

Sandia Mountains at sunset!

Getting to hike on a snow covered mountain was another wonderful surprise!

These boys were so excited!

My oldest kept saying, “you found it!!!!”.

My happy place.

Some fun before we headed back home!

Make sure you get in the shot this holiday season!

Take a deep breath and hand over that camera!

If you are not happy with your weight here are a few tips.

-have them take it from above (low adds on pounds)

-angle yourself (you do not want to be the broadest to the camera, make your husband stand straight on so he looks bigger! he he he).

Check out Emily at the Anderson Crew for more inspiration about getting in the shot.

“The skies can’t keep their secret”

Some of my favorites from our recent vacation.

Get ready for the infamous “vacation photos”.

Everyone wants to look at my vacation pictures, right?


Just pretend you do.

Or I will bust out the scrapbooks.

I actually made my now husband look at ALL of my scrapbooks on our first date.

It is how I knew he was a keeper.

He did not run away screaming.

South Carolina

There is a blog post about what we were doing in South Carolina on my other blog, here.



If you look close you can see deer running across the field.

I did not see them until I was editing.

I need to start wearing my glasses…


Why can’t I just vacation forever?

Food and clothing is overrated.