Tag Archives: tulsa

The Coffee House on Cherry Street ~Tulsa, Ok

I have a confession to make.

I don’t…drink coffee.

Wow. That was tough.

I would like to be one of those cool people sitting with their mac in a coffee shop drinking their cup of coffee but I am not.

I don’t even own a mac.

I know.


We are linux people. If you don’t know what that means, look it up.

I am mean like that.

Back to coffee.

My stay at home mom’s group met for mom’s night out at The coffee house on Cherry street and since I do not drink coffee I ordered a Spiced Chai. It was the first thing I recognized on the menu…

Not this menu obviously, I did not want to even look at the food menu. It was bad enough I had to choose from all the different drinks!

I have never had a spiced chai but I am a tea drinker so I figured I was safe.

Really cute place.

Lots of seating.

They had a guy coming in to sing so we went outside so people could here him instead of just us.

We get a little loud…

I did go back in for a minute and listen though, he was really good.

You can find him at skysmeed.com

There was some beautiful light outside.

My Spiced chai and someones coffee.

We stayed until it was dark out.

So yes, I was the odd person taking lots of pictures.

What else do you do in a coffee shop though?