The second day of Nick being gone we drove down to visit with friends and explore their ranch they run.
They have hiking trails, beavers, and lots of space so it worked great!
We even got to see wild hog prints on our hike!
And I only got us a little lost…
They were actually really excited to have a picnic but eating faces are always awkward.
Meanwhile, Nick was working and taking pics of stuff like this!
On Wednesday, two of my friends took four of my kids and one of my daughters and I got to run around to stores on a mommy daughter date!
We found a bunch of Vegan chocolate at Sprouts!
On Thursday one of my same friends took one of the twins while I took the other four to the Tulsa Air & Space Museum!
We have a membership there that expires this month so I wanted to be sure and use it.
The only complaint I have about this place is there is no scavenger hunt or anything like that to help my kids explore the whole museum.
They basically just want to check out the hands on exhibits and then they are done.
We can spend a lot of time exploring even a tiny museum if there is a scavenger hunt type setup there.
Sometimes I will just buy postcards at the gift shops beforehand and have my kids find the thing on the card.
I kept meaning to put some time into making a scavenger hunt for here but never got around to it.
They spent most of their time up in the kids area playing the drone flight simulator games.
I am thankful we year round school so I can take a week off when needed.
Our official week off landed on the next week(this week) but we just did it while Nick was gone to make things easier.
Do you have any tricks to make museums more interesting for kids?