After helping his Dad as a pacer last fall, my oldest really wanted to be in a race.
His criteria?
Snacks and a medal.
This month he did his first race!
The Snake Run at Turkey Mountain.
There is a 3hr race and a 6hr race (you try to get the most miles in that time).
We entered my son in the 3hr one and Nick entered the 6hr.
He was really excited!
This is the 6hr race start.
Nick started later with the 3hr racers so he could run with our son.

3hr race start.

There are my men!
My son loves the “junk food”, his words…
The big laps were 3.75miles long.
He did one lap and then took a break while his dad did another lap.

Here he is with his dad starting his second, Nicks third.
Finishing his second lap!

He was not even tired.
Just wanted to eat more food.
I kept trying to give him time to rest but he did not need it.
Getting his medal!
7.5 miles done!

The end of the 3hr race.
The 6hr race was still going so we waited around for my husband to finish.
I really like this race location.
I am really familiar with the Turkey Mountain trails so I took the boys on several hikes in between seeing Nick.
Winners of the 3hr race getting their trophies.
My oldest was concerned that they were real at first.

The boys kept busy building grass forts while waiting for their dad.
Nick ended up doing 20.75miles.
So proud of my men!
My sons thoughts about the race:
“It was really really fun!”
“There were very yummy aid stations”
“In the end there was lots of food and I ran 7.5 miles”
“It was very hard, and I got a shirt and actual medal”
“I want to do 100 miles when I get older.”
Here is last years race.