I was pretty disappointed after visiting the Upper Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument that we were not camping up there.
I just could not figure out how to fit it in this trip.I had planned on us heading south to a campground that I only knew about from some references on google maps.
After looking into it more I realized it was also a part of Rio Grande Del Norte, it was just the lower part!
It was called Pillar campground and had water and electric hookups!
We had not had either of those for 3 nights so it was a nice change.
It was not as pretty as the ones in the upper part but it was still a nice surprise.
While staying there we drove on a crazy “road” up to the Gorge Bridge.
It was pretty but there were a lot of people and not really my cup of tea.
My friend actually stayed the night at the rest stop there and talks more about it in her post!
We also went for this hike on the La Vista Verde trail on our way back to our campsite and it was so pretty.
I was not ready to leave this area at all and wanted to stay longer but we only had two weeks so we started heading further south the next day and got to see one of the main things I went to see.