I managed another pic of all the kids and I!
Two in one week is not bad. For this one I set it up so that we had to squeeze in.
It made for a more fun shot.
It turned into a bit of chaos.
I still am glad I got these shots.
I am still trying to capture Christmas Moments but I am northern girl and this Okie weather is messing with me.
I know some people love having warmer weather in December and hate being cold but I like snow.
I remember when I was little, we moved to a new house.
I must have already been upset about leaving friends and stuff but when it did not snow that Christmas I hated the new house.
I thought it must be snowing at our old house(a good hour west of the new one)…
My cat ran away, my friend was far away, and now no snow!
I will try to pretend like it is snowing outside for my boys sake though.
This icing was like paste.
All over my hands.
I tried to convince them to make waffle cone Christmas trees this year but they were set on these guys.
The teddy bears are my favorite.
I even shared some of my M&M’s with them!
I told them they needed to wait to eat them until they showed their dad.
They were really excited when he got home…
They have improved quite a bit from the last time we made these!