Tag Archives: Osage Hills State Park

We went camping for Christmas!

We wanted to do a trial camping trip with our new puppy but wanted to stay pretty close to home in case it went badly.

Osage Hills State Park was a perfect choice!

It was not very far away from our house and is a favorite hiking spot for us.

In fact my oldest went on his first hike there when he was one month old!

There were only a few other people camping so we had a huge area for the kids to play.
Milo did great on his first camping trip and loved hiking!

We saw so many Armadillo that I didn’t even look anymore when one of the kids yelled they saw one.


While up that way we went to the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve.

So many Bison and some beautiful hiking trails!



We went to see Christmas Lights in Bartlesville at Johnstone Park.

We did a lot of hiking.

And we checked out the Hulah Lake Wildlife Management Area and Wha Sha She Park(used to be state park).

We did not hit the WMA at the best time of day so I did not see much.

And the park was kind of run down with not much there.

They were both in pretty areas though.

We headed home on Christmas Eve after one more hike. I think if I had a tradition for the holidays it would be hiking and camping.

Now I just need to convince my kids to go on a Christmas hike every year…


Osage Hills State Park

We first went to the Osage Hills State Park, in NE Oklahoma when my oldest was around one month old (over 4yrs ago), it was his first hike.

Wow, that seems like a long time ago.

I was still recovering from his birth so we went on short hike down to the waterfall on the Falls Trail.

It was a beautiful hike and had lots of wildlife. It was the first time I had ever seen an armadillo and we actually saw several that day!

My oldest looking up at the bright sky! You have to start them young!

The deer seem to like the bird feeders near the park office, we saw several trying to get some of the fallen bird seed.

We went again two years and one more boy later.

We decided to take the Lake Trail and it was beautiful! We liked it so much we took my in laws to go hiking there when they visited later that month.

My little man enjoying the view with his Dad.

My oldest coming back after two years!

I cannot believe it has been two years since we have hiked there, time to head back that way!