Tag Archives: nick

Our Weekend

course crank crank2 help helper2 dropoff spot popup mathMy husband did the Pumpkin Holler Hunderd(that is how they spell it) this weekend.

He did the 100K race!

Cannot believe he did that!

eyes faces smirk macnchees rice runnerThe race started at a campsite so we set up the camper the friday night before the race.

It was nice to have a place to go with the boys for meals and downtime.

There were two aid stations that crew could drive out to meet the racers so we went to those also.

waiting run halfwayHe had to do a 50K loop twice so he came back to the campsite for his halfway point.

Then he went all night.

It ended up dipping into the 30’s.


tomsaywerMy oldest joined him for his last 9 miles at 6am Sunday morning.

He was mostly walking by that time.

web sunrise puddle finish doneHe did it!

My 7yr old did really well also!

9miles was a little more then he had gone before but he loved all the attention from the volunteers and the candy at the aid stations.

He did say next time he wanted to race instead of being a pacer so he could get his own medal though…

It ended up being a beautiful way to spend a fall weekend!

At least for me.

I was not doing a 100K race though…

The new table he built me!

schoolroomThis little table was just not cutting it anymore.

The boys could not both do workbooks on it at the same time without getting into fights about the other one messing them up by hitting their work.

Plus their math takes a lot of room and things kept falling to the floor.

So my awesome husband built me a new one this weekend!

panelsHe had me pick out the top I wanted at Lowes.

I chose two pine panels.

joinerThen he joined the panels together.

pocketjig legsHe used lumber he already had for the legs.

sealThen I put a couple coats of a water based sealer on it.

He attached the top when I was done sealing it.



after2It’s so nice!

tabletopI love the clean and simple look.

holderWe can actually fit the caddy he made me years ago on it!

I cannot wait to start school today and try it out!

Handy husbands are awesome!

6 weeks alone.


My husband got back from a business trip on Saturday.

He was gone 6 weeks.

We have not been apart that long since we married.

I thought not having a break from parenting the boys would be the thing that bothered me.

It was not.

I missed someone telling me to go to bed(I am a night owl).

I missed my sounding board.


Someone being there to tell me if I am getting off track.

Someone to care what I looked like.

In short, I missed my best friend.

Marriage is a million little things.

I noticed all of them in the vacancy that was left behind.

Look for the little things that make your marriage beautiful.

Not an epic love story on the big screen but a messed up blanket, shoes by the door, and a kiss good morning.

Those things are precious and make life sweeter.