I managed another pic of all the kids and I!
Two in one week is not bad. For this one I set it up so that we had to squeeze in.
It made for a more fun shot.
It turned into a bit of chaos.
I still am glad I got these shots.
I have been wanting to do a self portrait project with all of my kids for a while now but it never seemed like the right time.
I finally decided it would never be the “right” time and set up my tripod.
I knew that if I set up my tripod I would take a picture.
That is just how I work.
Some of the work is already done so I figure I might as well do it.
We were already outside for our morning walk so other than being all sweaty, it seemed like great timing.
One of my girls caught a grasshopper so I decided to roll with it and had everyone looking at the grasshopper instead of the camera.
It worked great!
I have often found it easier to get kids to look at something close to them instead of the camera.
I have already taken another picture of us this week!
We do year round school with a schedule of 5 weeks on 1 week off.
Our week off is always a challenge due to kids (and mom) being used to the same schedule.
I tend to do better if we stay somewhat busy during that week.
So, here are some of things we did that we don’t always have time for during our typical school day.
This feels like a field trip and the homeschool mom in me does not want to count it as a day off.
We even got to see a turtle laying eggs at the zoo playground!
We don’t always get to do the fun extra things during a school day so I often do those on our week off.
Firework chalk art!
Trivial Pursuit using Professor Noggins cards.
I have had this on our homeschool to-do list for a while but it kept getting pushed to the back burner.
You can see my post on how we use the game to review what we have learned, here.
We got a new math game also!
I use our math games to review what the twins are learning.
The boys can do these games with them and they all benefit from the extra practice.
This break also included my husbands birthday and the 4th of July!
We hiked with friends one day also!
And got an impromptu lesson about Pigmy Rattlesnakes.
Why are the dangerous ones so pretty?
Although I have seen many articles on the benefits of kids being bored, they have not been around some of my schedule needing children when they have nothing to do…