Tag Archives: my boys

This one…

I have it.

The perfect shot.

I am looking through my viewfinder thinking “this is going to be good”.

Then this happens…

A sudden blur right in front of me.

My youngest has a super power.

He can pop up out of nowhere, right in front of a shot, at the worst possible time.

His timing is amazing.

This is why he is not allowed to come with me on shoots.

Well this and the fact he can get into trouble at the speed of light…

New boots

I got new boots which prompted me to take this.

Which lead to this…

Which was hard to do because they were doing this.

Then, too much of this man taking off without the other one lead to this…

And finally this.

He never gets to drive (because he is a really bad driver).

Oh the freedom!

Oh the wonder!

Oh the wall and rock the Gator is now wedged between…

I told you.

Bad driver.

Fingerprint Tree Art

I knew when I saw this that I wanted to do one with my boys!

And since they hate to get messy it was a real struggle to convince them to dip their fingers in paint.


First I sketched out a tree.

I just did a google search for tree sketches to be inspired in the design, you could copy one or even find a coloring page to use.

I tried to not put too much work into this sketch since I knew that the boys might decided to ruin it and smear the whole thing with paint.

I used acrylic paint for the “leaves” but you could use an ink pad.

I used one color of  green acrylic and then just added a little bit of white, yellow and “gasp” black(my art teacher would not be happy with me) to get the different shades.

I had the boys each do a side of the tree so as to keep the process peaceful.

Not that my boys would ever fight over something like painting…

They are practically perfect in every way.

I love works of fiction, don’t you?

I then had them use toothpicks to add grass, I thought it needed something on the bottom but you would not have to do this.

I like toothpicks because it is hard to go crazy with them, you only can do a little bit of paint at a time.

My oldest loved mixing the colors the most.


I can’t wait to hang it in my livingroom!