Tag Archives: my boys and I

Last week as a 4yr old ~Day 1

My last week with a 4yr old.


Didn’t I just take his 3yr old pics?

My little jokester.

He says the most outrageous things and loves to take you literally.

If I say something wrong he loves to pounce on it and pretend that is what I actually meant.

It is hard to hold back smiles when around this little cutie.

I thought Day 14 of my 30 Day project was appropriate.

He was trying to tell me something but just cannot be still long enough to finish.

I love that this pic catches his little dimple also.

I love this little man!

30 Day Project ~Life Day 12

We woke up Sunday morning to no snow but at least a little ice.

It made me feel like it might be winter after all.

I pretty much live off of hot drinks when it is cold out.

I saw a lot of computer parts this weekend since my husband is upgrading our backup computer.

Quiet time.

I realized it was not bad outside so I made the boys put on some jackets and get out of the house!

I played a little game of hide and seek with them.

My hiding place.

He had to hide in the same spot with me…

Then Maddie joined us in our hiding spot.

Trying to stop his brother from running away.

I talked my oldest into taking a few pics.

Then my youngest got a turn.

He liked taking pictures of me taking pictures.

My instagram pics.

Hope you had a great weekend!

30 Day Project ~Life Day 10

My husband needed the computer this weekend to work on our backup computer that he is rebuilding.

I would probably not even have one backup if it was not for him.

As it is I think we have three? See I do not even know how many backups we have…

I totally lost my train of thought!

SO…that meant I did not get any of my daily pictures up!


I set this one up a little bit.

I will admit it, I am running out of ideas of ways to catch the boys and I together doing something we do everyday.

So I had them play on the swing and I sat and watched.

That is pretty typical really though.

It is near the road so I always have to be nearby when they play on it.

I did ask that they jump in a picture with me real quick.

This is right after I threw the ball for our dog Maddie.

They “had” to play in the water before they went inside for the night.

They are boys after all.

My sock choice made me smile.