Tag Archives: miss this

Going to Miss This ~Teaching my boys

writingI have days where it feels like it will never end.

mathtimeThere also days where I cannot imagine a more rewarding job.

mathgameOne day these two little boys will graduate.

My teaching gig will be up.

I know I will miss the pencils and paper.

The books stacked everywhere.

aread8426I will miss teaching my two little men.

As I teach them today I want to remember how precious and fleeting it is.

And what an amazing gift I have been given to spend so much time with them.

Is there something you want to cherish today?

That little gap toothed smile?

Tiny fingers in your hand?

Little shoes by your door?

Little eyes that watch your every move?

Take a moment to enjoy it today.

Going to Miss this ~Close

brothersTheir dynamic is always changing.

Sometimes they get along really well and sometimes they argue from the moment they open their eyes.

Because we homeschool, they are together all the time.

Best friends(sometimes not by choice).

nerftent stakeIt makes me wonder what their relationship will look like as they get older.

dirtyface2Seeing those two heads stuck together planning is something I do not want to take for granted.

dirtyfaceDirty faces, forts, adventures, sword fights, light saber battles, running from the enemy…

antsThose are all things that I will definitely miss.

Going to miss this ~Breakfast

mornings mornings2I am going to miss having breakfast with these two.

It helps to look at nice images like this when your 5 yr old has decided to start everyday with crying.

This morning it was because his brother got him a napkin he did not want…

Yes, a napkin.

How could he.

Shockingly I did not punish his brother for such a heinous crime.

hotAh, see much better.

I will just focus on the quiet breakfast moments that sometimes happen.

Because I know that I will miss noisy mornings.