Tag Archives: last week

Last Days as a 6yr old





This year has definitely brought out his dreamer side.

He has spent most of the year trying to plan how to make an Iron Man suit.

He has a fierce sense of right and wrong.

His reading blows me away.

He has taken to running.

I cannot keep up with him sometimes.

I am looking forward to seeing what the next year holds for this amazing little boy.

Here are some from last year, Day 1, Days 2 & 3, Days 4-6

Last week as a 4yr old ~Day 1

My last week with a 4yr old.


Didn’t I just take his 3yr old pics?

My little jokester.

He says the most outrageous things and loves to take you literally.

If I say something wrong he loves to pounce on it and pretend that is what I actually meant.

It is hard to hold back smiles when around this little cutie.

I thought Day 14 of my 30 Day project was appropriate.

He was trying to tell me something but just cannot be still long enough to finish.

I love that this pic catches his little dimple also.

I love this little man!