Tag Archives: homeschooling

Our New Timeline!

History Timeline ~daniellehuddlestonphotography.comI had been a little unhappy with our previous timeline for some time.

It was not as easy to see when things took place in history since it was in a book and after reading some interesting information I did not agree with the times it gave.

coloringI really did not think we had enough wall space for a full one on the wall until I saw this post from a blog I follow.

Let’s face it, after seeing her timeline I just wanted one and was going to find a place for it even if I had to put it on the ceiling!

If you know me, you probably know that once I get an idea I want to do it NOW!

seamsI was following the tutorial given on creation.com(the source given in the blog I saw it in) but it called for a roll of paper.

I did not have a vehicle or a roll of paper.

A big problem for someone that suddenly really wanted to make a new timeline.

I debated walking to Wal-Mart but finally settled on taping cardstock together.

It is a lot stronger than the paper from a roll and turned out great!

metricThe site uses metric for all of their measurements.

I tried changing it to inches and it was way too complicated.

Metric is a lot easier!


bcI went ahead a marked down every thousand years before having the boys help me mark down the hundreds.

I felt like the mom of the year for letting them help.

We had a lot of close calls where I thought a bouncy boy was going to rip the whole thing.

I told them I would probably cry if they ruined it…

helpI had my oldest take some pictures since I was busy trying to get my 6yr old to look where he was marking…


drawingAll in all it went pretty well!

hundredsI used a white label sticker to cover mistakes.

The one in the picture is actually one of mine…

timelinesI used several sources to plot out our timeline.

The Big Book Of History, The Ussher timeline chart by Paul Hansen(free download), and the The Seven C’s of History.

answertimelineWe are still using our figures from History through the Ages.

I have just been printing the small images without text and cutting off the dates on them.

The boys and I talked about why we were changing our timeline and why I did not agree with the dates on the old one.

I want to have them research this and come to their own conclusions when they are older.

floodI decided to include the descendants of Adam on this chart.

We had looked at it before on “The Big Book Of History” but drawing it really made it click for my oldest.

He got really excited and said, “Methuselah probably knew Adam!”

It really sold the validity of Genesis.

If you realize that the eye witness was not very far removedĀ  from the writer it makes it easier to except what is written as accurate.

figuresWe glue the figures on the timeline as we learn about them.

It is one of the boys favorite things to do.

History Timeline ~daniellehuddlestonphotography.com

This timeline is about 6ft long and 11inches tall so it still takes up quite a bit of wall space but it is worth it!

I love the idea of the boys being about to see when things took place in history compared to when we live now.

Have you ever made a timeline?

How do you make history come alive for your kids?

History ~Sumerian Civilization

booksI really liked the “Ancient Civilizations for Children-Mesopotamia” DVD and will probably get more from this series.

gilgimeshThe Epic of Gilgamesh was a little too scary two years ago when we studied this last so I was pretty excited we got to read some of the stories this time.

The Last Quest of Gilgamesh” touched on the flood myth, which is what I really wanted to read about since it has many similarities to Noah’s Flood.

We are still finishing “The Golden Bull” but so far it is a really good read!

It is about two children in the city of Ur and when it describes the city and different parts of their life we look it up in our reference books.

It really makes that time period come alive.

pomAfter learning that they ate Pomegranates I bought one for the boys to try.

I found this really great tutorial on how to open them.

eatingThe boys liked it a lot!

messAs you can see from this boys face.

writingI had the boys try their hand at Cuneiform again also.

All you need is some Air Dry Clay, Pictures of what it looked like, and Chopsticks.

tablet2They used reeds to make the impressions for the real thing but I found the edge of a chopstick worked pretty well.

presstabletlookingCuneiformTabletsMy youngest really enjoyed making his!

He wanted to do more but I did not really want to use up all our clay on this project!

Because I am sentimental, here are some pics from when we did this project over two years ago!

oldest lasttime oldThe cuteness is a bit too much for me…

30 Day Project ~Day 2 “School”

lookHere is my pic I used for my 30 Day project of my kids.

My youngest doing his handwriting.

handwritingWe use Handwriting Without Tears.

The boys seem to like the workbooks.

They were both getting bored with the printing books so I bought the KickStart to Cursive workbook.

withouttearsThey flew through it in two weeks.

They would have finished it in one day but I made them do other school work.

I am mean like that.

schoolI did not have the next cursive workbook for them both and needed them to slow down!

happy laughThey have really enjoyed it so I am going to continue to the 3rd grade cursive book.

They were pretty much done with their 2nd grade print workbooks anyway and get plenty of practice printing with their copywork and spelling.

writing2It is nice to see them both enjoy writing again.

Cursive is such a fun way to write!