We headed out to Muskogee, OK Saturday to see replica’s of the Nina & The Pinta.
They were two of the ships in the armada that Columbus sailed with in search of a new passage to Asia (finding the new world instead).
Whenever I get the chance to touch and feel history I jump at it!
When I was telling my kids about the ships before we got there, my oldest got really excited and thought we were going to sail across the ocean.
Then my youngest thought up a plan to make that happen. He said, “I am going to push it and jump in and sail away! Do you think that will work?”
No, you may not steal the ship.
My little pirates.
The Niña – Most Historically Accurate Columbus Replica Ship Ever Built
The Niña is a replica of the ship on which Columbus sailed across the Atlantic on his three voyages of discovery to the new world beginning in 1492. Columbus sailed the tiny ship over 25,000 miles. That ship was last heard of in 1501, but the new Niña has a different mission. We are a floating museum, and we visit ports all over the Western Hemisphere. (Taken from their site.)
View of the Pinta from aboard the Nina.
One of the crew members that sails around on her.
They are only here until December 7th, then they sail to the next port.
Adults are $8
Children $6