Tag Archives: homeschooling

Around my school room/Library/Craft space

I like to use a space to it’s fullest!

So I call the room we are currently doing school in a lot of things.

I do not know if I should be glad or worried that the boys always know what I am talking about…

I made some small changes over the weekend to our room.

I made a top for the table to give us some more elbow room and stop things from dropping in between the slats.

This is what it used to look like.

It looks totally different, right!

I bet you did not even know it was the same room!

Sorry for the sarcasm.

I had to.

My poor husband came in the door Friday night after working late and was attacked with requests to cut a table top and throw in a desk while he was at it.

I decided I need a bigger work area for big projects without loosing too much space.

So I thought the shelf up.

I learned it is not easy to tell someone else to build something for you that you only have in your head…

Sorry BABY!!!!

It works great!

I of course decided to spend all weekend rearranging the room!

He tried to not laugh at me.

I decided to hang up more of my crafts stuff so I would actually use it!

Out of sight out of mind…

I have had those fall stickers for way too many years.

Time to use them or get rid of them!

I decided to make our schedule pretty.

I had it written on a notebook that I kept loosing before!

It is still currently lost and I was too lazy to look for it so I printed up one.

Do not ask me how that is less work.

The globe has nothing to do with teaching my children.

I just always envisioned my library having a globe.

I let them look at it once in a while…

If they do not breath on it.

I like to have a lot of easy chapter books where my oldest can reach them!

Sorry about the blurry picture!

I am too lazy to fix it now.

Our stack of library books that I am hoping to get through this month and the Alphabet rocks my friend made me.

Where I keep our curriculum we use daily.

We are learning about explorers this month so I thought I would put out my compasses and sextant!

The boys are not the only one’s with toys…

School ~Week 4

We usually work on a subject for a month so we were finishing everything up this week.

This is to show what a lung looks like as you inhale and exhale.

You push on the bottom and the “lung” deflates.

Then we did an experiment to see if we had different lung capacities.

Both of these came from the Magic School bus Kit.

You fill a 2 liter bottle(pretend that is what I used) with water.

Put the cap back on it and put it in a bowl full of water.

Take the cap back off and put the hose inside the bottle.

Then blow into the other end of the hose.

Your air displaces the water in the bottle.

The boys could have done this all day!

I was a really nice mother and let them play with it for a long time since it was the last project of the day.

The sacrifices I make…

I of course had to get on the computer while they played.

I also decided the boys needed a fun writing project.

I gave them stickers, two little books I made, and told them to tell a story with the stickers.

After they had put the stickers they wanted in the book they had to write a story for them.

I was going to have my four year old only write the front cover and then just tell me what to write but he said it was his book so he should write in it.

Okay, then…

The teacher in me loved that he wanted to do it all himself, the mom, not so much.

It took a LONG time!

My five year old never asked me how to spell a single word.

I love those misspelled words pushed all together.

They both did a great job!

And learned that writing is a lot of fun!

I bought this game at Mardel’s when I was looking for school books.

It is fantastic!!!

We had fun just putting all the body parts on.

We called all of them by their names so it was a great learning experience!

We are officially done with the human body and moving on to Explorers next month!

My Days ~School

We have now finished the abridged version of Sherlock Holmes and have moved on to Captains Courageous.

The boys were supposed to do patterns for their math but were not quite grasping it so I took a page from my friend and used M&M’s.

I really wanted M&M’s also…

Working on their numbers with rightstart math.

Last week we were learning about Leonardo Da Vinci.

I had several books about him from the library but most were too dry.

We looked at the pictures in some of them and then I read them “Who Stole the Mona Lisa”.

It was a great way to introduce him to the boys!

I love history so I love to teach it to the boys.

At this age though it is less about facts and more about an introduction.

On the left in the above pic is a replica of Da Vinci’s paddle boat.

I bought it from Hobby Lobby.

We put it together at the end of the week.

The boys really liked putting it together!

It did not say it was made for water but I figured they would get a lot more out if they got to see it work.

In the book “Who Stole the Mona Lisa” they talk about the paddle boat and the boys went on their first paddle boat ride a couple weeks ago!

I love it when things fall into place like that!

This boy was better at sinking it…

Then I had to put a stop to them trying to sink it with rocks.
