Tag Archives: homeschool

1st day of school ~no pics

We did our first day of school here.

I took no pictures.

It looked nothing like years past and I am okay with that.

That is where my family is at right now.

We did the second day of school with no pictures also.

Will I take pictures of our school?

I hope so.

My priorities have shifted right now and pictures are not near the top any more.

Work got done, kids learned something, and I took deep breathes.

What did your first day look like?

Was it different this year?

Not being pinterest worthy is okay.

Life is not always picture ready.

Hang in there.

In Freedom’s Cause: The Real Story of Wallace and Bruce


In the midst of our study of the Middle Ages we listened to this amazing Audio Theater version of G.A. Henty’s book “In Freedom’s Cause.”

I thought I would let you know how we liked it.

My boys are 7&8

My oldest can be a bit sensitive.

This was an amazing story.

It makes this nations struggle for freedom come alive!

This is good and bad…

If you are not sure why that would be, look up the story of what happened to William Wallace and what disembowelling is.

They did not get really graphic but there was some yelling and pleading to God going on.

They did a wonderful job explaining about why William Wallace went through all that pain.

His death fueled a nation! But my oldest wanted to quit the second his death scene came on.

I made him wait(I was hoping it would end on a somewhat happy note) so he would not end it on such a bad feeling.

It takes a while to get to a happier spot but it does end without leaving you depressed.

He ended up really liking it although we will probably wait a while to listen again.

It is intense.


So what do I think?

The story telling was excellent!

I think this is a must for teenagers learning the history of that time!

It might leave your kids with a dim view of European leaders of that time, I think seeing the good and bad of every civilization is a good thing.

I learned so much though!

My boys did okay but I think an older child would enjoy it more.

I do think this type of story is just the thing to make history come alive for your kids though!

History was passionate, messy, scary, amazing, and interesting!

Don’t be afraid to let your kids see what really happened!

Dry text books should not be the only way your kids know history!