Tag Archives: Fireworks

Fireworks, Birthdays, and concerts, oh my!

Our fourth of July celebrations were a little packed this year. Our oven gave out and our new one was delivered that morning. We ended up staying home from church to wait for the oven. My husbands birthday is the fourth and I might have had him install my oven on his birthday…I bought him a cheesecake! That makes it okay, right?

Since the fourth landed on a Sunday our churches celebration(Rockets Over Rhema) ended up that day also (it is always on Sunday so it is not always on the fourth). We stayed for the some of the concerts and walked around a little bit but left before the fireworks.

Chris Augustconcert6

They had a Car showcarshow1

Pastor Hagin giving away prizescarshow2

Francesca Battistelliconcert4

Beautiful! concert5

We left just in time to make it to our own towns Firework display, it was a little close…I am not always good with time management. But we made it, that is all that matters. The anxiety in finding a parking spot and hoping I did not spoil the boys chance to see fireworks just adds to the excitement of the day I think.

My little man on daddy’s shouldersfireworkdswunder



I had to play around a little bit since I had the tripod set up and the cars were driving right past me! fireworks4What did you do for the fourth?